Once a year, electrochemists from different arenas join for a relaxed exchange of ideas at the Electrochem conference. It is, therefore, an ideal space to learn new concepts and expand your mind to tackle new problems with new approaches. You will find conferences on (solar) water splitting, batteries, corrosion, fundamental electrochemistry, material synthesis, etc., so, it is very complete and with a small number of participants which makes it ideal for networking.

Closing remarks for the Echem2022 by Prof. Tudela.
I had the chance to participate in the conference Electrochem2022 (4-6 Sept. 20022), and for me was rather special, since it was organized by a very good friend of mine, Nacho Tudela. We both started our scientific careers a while ago in the Dept. of Physical Chemistry at the University of Alicante. While he was specializing in ultrasounds and electrochemical engineering I was more focused on the nanomaterials and photovoltaics, but, and that’s the amazing thing, you can find this conference where all these different concepts can meet and merge. I presented here one of the latest studies I performed at EPFL on the analysis of the semiconductor-liquid interface during photoelectrosynthetic reactions (Learning from Semiconductor-Liquid Interfaces: A guide to Improve Photoelectrochemical Devices), and the reaction from the audience was just great. Aside from that, the city is amazing, people are genuinely nice, friendly and helpful, and the landscapes are just impressive, so I could not imagine a better place for such a conference, but, one caveat if you travel Edinburgh for a conference, take your umbrella (rain will surprise you anytime, anywhere)😊.
