Open positions
Open Application
The ASSET lab is always looking to support, and help growing young researchers with the ambition to truly make a difference and disrupt the renewable energy and sustainable chemistry sectors.
If you are still a student and you would like to have a taste of what we aim to do, we invite you to get in touch with us and join us to complete your Master's thesis.
If you are looking to complete a PhD in topics related to the solar energy conversion, (photo)catalytic conversion (water splitting, CO2 conversion, biomass valorization, etc.) get in touch with us. We are specially happy to support applications for fellowships such as "ayudas para la formacion de profesorado universitario" (FPU), "contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores (FPI), Programa Santiago Grisolia, etc.
If you are looking to boost your career with a postdoctoral position in the fields of electrocatalysis, photoelectrochemical or photocatalytic conversion, etc. We encourage you to contact us to discuss the funding opportunities, we strongly support applications for internationally recognized fellowships that would further consolidate your career and leadership.
Junior Researcher
(prospective PhD student)
* Several openings
(Publication date: 16/07/2022)
We invite applications for several PhD positions within the ERC Starting Grant project RELICS and the national project DELICAT. This cutting-edge project positions itself at the intersection between the fields of electrochemistry, photocatalysis and materials engineering, and it aims at developing a new technology capable of sourcing petrochemicals from biomass. More details HERE.
The envisioned start date for these positions is before the end of 2022, but late recruitments could also be discussed.
We extend this invitation on to students who are keen to apply for any PhD grants such as the "ayudas para la formacion de profesorado universitario" (FPU), "contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores (FPI), Programa Santiago Grisolia, etc.
Job Description
Your activities will focus on an exciting and barely unknown field at the vanguard of the (photo)electrochemistry and photocatalysis at the ASSET lab, that is the selective conversion of biomass by means of sunlight and/or electricity. The PhD thesis work will include (but it is not limited to):
Fabrication of state-of-the-art solar-powered electrolyzers.
Synthesis and manipulation of nanoparticle systems as well as the design and testing of photocatalytic reactors.
Evaluation of the optoelectronic properties (steady state) as well as the charge carriers dynamics.
Assessment of catalytic properties using various analytical tools available in the laboratory.
Attendance to international and national conferences.
Publication of scientific results in peer-review journals.
Possibility for research stays abroad in partner institutions (in China, Japan, Switzerland, Germany, etc.)
Profile of the candidate
For this challenging project, we are looking for ambitious and highly motivated young talents, with interest in kick starting a scientific career within the RELICS or DELICAT project. We are especially interested in recruiting individuals with basic training in chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science. Previous experience in electrochemistry, materials’ synthesis, analytical techniques and organic chemistry is highly desirable.
If you want to know more, do not hesitate to send an email with your CV to: nestor.guijarro@ua.es
Post-doctoral Researcher
​* Several openings
(Publication date: 16/07/2022)
We invite applications for several postdoctoral positions within the ERC Starting Grant project RELICS. Briefly, this project pursues to disrupt the third generation biorefinery by enabling new technologies capable of turning lignocellulosic biomass into petrochemicals using sunlight. More Information HERE.
The envisioned start date for these positions is before the end of 2022, but late recruitments could also be discussed. The duration is expected to be of 2 years, but a longer duration is also possible.
We extend this invitation on to soon-to-be-graduated PhD candidates as well as postdoctoral researchers that are looking for support to apply for postdoctoral grants such as the European Marie Curie fellowship, the regional APOSTD (link) or plan GENT (link) or the national Juan de la Cierva-formación (link), among others.
Job Description
Your mission will be to lead young researchers and to explore an emerging and exciting field of at the vanguard of the (photo)electrochemistry and photocatalysis atthe ASSET lab, namely, the the biomass valorization. The PhD thesis work will include (but it is not limited to):
Fabrication of state-of-the-art solar-powered electrolyzers.
Synthesis and manipulation of nanoparticles systems as well as characterization of photocatalytic reactors.
Evaluation of the optoelectronic properties (steady state) as well as the charge carriers dynamics.
Assessment of catalytic properties using various analytical tools available in the laboratory.
Attendance to international and national conferences.
Leading PhD students and publication of scientific results in peer-review journals.
Possibility for research stays abroad in partner institutions (in China, Japan, Switzerland, Germany, etc.)
Profile of the candidate
For this challenging project, we are looking for ambitious and highly motivated research LEADERS that aim to progress in their scientific career and eventually stay in academia or in a related research sectors. We are especially interested in recruiting individuals with a track record and background in (photo)electrochemistry, electrocatalysis and material synthesis. Previous hands-on expertise in the use of spectroelectrochemical tools, in the synthesis of nanocrystals and thin film oxides and chalcogenides (among others), in the use of analytical tools (HPLC, GC-MS, H-NMR, etc) and/or organic synthesis are highly desirable.
We offer the candidates access to a new and fully equipped laboratory (ASSET lab) with state-of-the-art tools as well as to the top-notch facilities available in the Institute of Electrochemistry (some of them here) and the University of Alicante (here).
If you want to take the next step in your career and know more, do not hesitate to send an email with your CV to: nestor.guijarro@ua.es; I will be glad to discuss further details in person or online.